Dear Black Girl, You have found yourself in a foreign land by your choice. You are an immigrant. A beautiful African girl on the cusp of womanhood in an American world. It is a land of opportunity and so much goodness will happen to you here. You will grow leaps and bounds and find your footing here. I want to tell you that it won't always be beautiful. You won't feel beautiful some days. This land's view of beauty is not your country land's view of beauty. They will make you question the very things about yourself that you find beautiful. Your perfect nose will suddenly be called too broad, your hips will suddenly be called too wide and your sun kissed skin will suddenly be called too dark. This will confuse you terribly because this is the only beauty you've ever known. The only beauty you have been surrounded by. Up until now you have never heard anyone criticize things one cannot change. Or so you thought. You will be...