Divorce Vows
Did y'all watch Marlon on NBC? It was so good! The premise is that Marlon and ex wife Ashley are divorced and raising their kids. Marlon is way comfortable and always at the house and basically wants his cake and to eat it too; all out here being bachelor up in these streets but still wants to come home to his family when he feels like it. You know the usual....man stuff. It's actually a cute show. On the season finale he tries to take Ashley, his ex wife on a date on their anniversary. For the sake of the kids, Ashley has been going along with most of these shenanigans because they are good friends. Ashley says she doesn't want to celebrate with him this year but Marlon lures her to the restaurant where they had their first date anyway. And they have the following exchange: Marlon: "I'm sorry if in our marriage I didn't follow through with promises but in divorce I promise you I will." Ashley: "And I promise you I'll hold you to that...